This hilariously funny, naughty Willy or What Hen Party Game will have your guests in stitches. Each guest must decide if the photo is a willy or not. If it's not, then take a guess at what it is. One point is awarded for guessing if its a willy or not, and another point is awarded if you guess what it actually is! The guest with most points wins!
Each guest must decide if the photo is a willy or not. If it's not, then take a guess at what it is. One point is awarded for guessing if it's a willy or not, and another point is awarded if you guess what it actually is!
The guest with most points wins!
(Includes answer sheet)
★ SEX OR SING ★ This hilariously funny, naughty Sex or Sing Hen Party Game will have your guests in stitches. Each guest must decide if the photo is someone having sex or singing. The guest with most points wins! (Answer sheet included)
★ BOOBS OR BUM ★ In his great, Boobs or Bum game each guest must decide if the photo is of boobs or a bum. The guest with most points wins! (Answer sheet included)
★ WHAT DID THE GROOM SAY ★ This hilarious game will have your guests in stitches. You have to guess what the groom said about his Bride-to-be. With questions such as What is her favourite movie to What do you do that annoys her the most. This game will certainly raise some laughs with the funny answers the Groom gives. The guest that matches the most answers with the groom wins. (Prior to the Hen Night, the organiser will have to get the answers from the Groom)
★ MR OR MRS ★ This fabulous Mr or Mrs Game will have your guests wondering who they think said/did it. This really is a chance for everyone to learn a little more about the bride relationship and may even surprise guests with the answers. The guest with most points wins!
★ PHOTO CHALLENGE ★ Each guest must take photos of the items on the list earning points for the challenges they complete. This really does encourage everyone to join in and have fun with the silly photos they take. The guest with most points wins!
★ GUESS THE DRESS ★ This lovely Guess the Dress game gives all of the guests a chance to have a go at drawing what they think the brides dress will look like. It gives the guests a chance to discuss what they may think the bride will wear. The closest one to the brides dress wins!
★ RUDE DRINK IF ★ There are 4 rounds each with 6 "Drink if" questions. If you have done what the question asks you must drink! A great game to get your guests a bit tipsy and enjoying themselves as well as learning a thing or two about them! This is RUDE! so please beware 😂
★ DRINK IF ★ There are 4 rounds each with 6 "Drink if" questions. If you have done what the question asks you must drink! A great game to get your guests a bit tipsy and enjoying themselves.
★ POLISH OR PORN ★ This hilariously funny Polish or Porn Game will have your guests in stitches reading these. Each one is either the name of a Nail Polish or a Porn Film! Each guest must guess which it is. These are a lot trickier and funnier than you may think 😂 The guest with the most correct answers wins! (Answer sheet included)
★ ADVICE TO THE BRIDE ★ This beautiful keepsake Advice to the Bride gives each guest a chance to write some touching words of wisdom and advice to the Bride for a happy marriage. This is the perfect accessory for any hen party. These make a lovely keepsake/memory too.
★ MY FAVOURITE MEMORY WITH THE BRIDE TO BE ★ This beautiful My Favourite Memory with the Bride-to-be keepsake gives each guest a chance to write about their favourite memory with the Bride-to-be. The Bride then has to guess who has written the memory. This gives guests a chance to learn a bit more about the bride and the guests at the bridal shower. This is the perfect accessory for any hen party. These make a lovely keepsake/memory too.
★ HEN PARTY BINGO ★ This great Bingo game will have your guests chatting and mingling within minutes. Each guest must mark off the square when they meet the person described in it. The first guest to get 5 in a row wins! This is a great starter game to a Hen Party to get the guests talking and finding out a little more about each other.
★ WORD SCRAMBLE ★This game has 13 scrambled words which your guests must unscramble to make 13 "Wedding" related words. The first one to complete it wins! (Answer sheet included)
★ WOULD SHE RATHER ★This great Would She Rather game is a great opportunity to see who knows the bride best. Whether it's Tea or Coffee or Shopping or Hiking, what would she rather do? The guest with the most answers correct matching answers with the Bride-to-be wins.
★ WHATS IN YOUR BAG ★ This funny What's in your Bag game is a great game to play on a hen night. Set in three sections with points ranging from 1-3 depending on how unusual and funny they are. It can be great fun seeing what people carry in their bags. Check what's in your bag, give yourself points for any on the list. Once complete, add up the points and the person with the most points wins!
★ WHO KNOWS THE BRIDE BEST ★ This great Who Knows the Bride Best game is a great opportunity to see who knows the most about the Bride. With questions such as her favourite colour to the first boy she kissed, each guest must guess the answer. The most matching answers with the Bride wins.
★ SCAVENGER HUNT ★ This fabulous Scavenger Hunt Game will have your guests in stitches hunting and doing tasks for items on the list in this game. This really encourages everyone to join in and have fun hunting and doing tasks such as getting a free drink to kissing a bald man's head! Points are awarded depending on how easy or hard the task is. The guest with most points wins!
Each guest must decide if the photo is a willy or not. If it's not, then take a guess at what it is. One point is awarded for guessing if it's a willy or not, and another point is awarded if you guess what it actually is!
The guest with most points wins!
(Includes answer sheet)
★ SEX OR SING ★ This hilariously funny, naughty Sex or Sing Hen Party Game will have your guests in stitches. Each guest must decide if the photo is someone having sex or singing. The guest with most points wins! (Answer sheet included)
★ BOOBS OR BUM ★ In his great, Boobs or Bum game each guest must decide if the photo is of boobs or a bum. The guest with most points wins! (Answer sheet included)
★ WHAT DID THE GROOM SAY ★ This hilarious game will have your guests in stitches. You have to guess what the groom said about his Bride-to-be. With questions such as What is her favourite movie to What do you do that annoys her the most. This game will certainly raise some laughs with the funny answers the Groom gives. The guest that matches the most answers with the groom wins. (Prior to the Hen Night, the organiser will have to get the answers from the Groom)
★ MR OR MRS ★ This fabulous Mr or Mrs Game will have your guests wondering who they think said/did it. This really is a chance for everyone to learn a little more about the bride relationship and may even surprise guests with the answers. The guest with most points wins!
★ PHOTO CHALLENGE ★ Each guest must take photos of the items on the list earning points for the challenges they complete. This really does encourage everyone to join in and have fun with the silly photos they take. The guest with most points wins!
★ GUESS THE DRESS ★ This lovely Guess the Dress game gives all of the guests a chance to have a go at drawing what they think the brides dress will look like. It gives the guests a chance to discuss what they may think the bride will wear. The closest one to the brides dress wins!
★ RUDE DRINK IF ★ There are 4 rounds each with 6 "Drink if" questions. If you have done what the question asks you must drink! A great game to get your guests a bit tipsy and enjoying themselves as well as learning a thing or two about them! This is RUDE! so please beware 😂
★ DRINK IF ★ There are 4 rounds each with 6 "Drink if" questions. If you have done what the question asks you must drink! A great game to get your guests a bit tipsy and enjoying themselves.
★ POLISH OR PORN ★ This hilariously funny Polish or Porn Game will have your guests in stitches reading these. Each one is either the name of a Nail Polish or a Porn Film! Each guest must guess which it is. These are a lot trickier and funnier than you may think 😂 The guest with the most correct answers wins! (Answer sheet included)
★ ADVICE TO THE BRIDE ★ This beautiful keepsake Advice to the Bride gives each guest a chance to write some touching words of wisdom and advice to the Bride for a happy marriage. This is the perfect accessory for any hen party. These make a lovely keepsake/memory too.
★ MY FAVOURITE MEMORY WITH THE BRIDE TO BE ★ This beautiful My Favourite Memory with the Bride-to-be keepsake gives each guest a chance to write about their favourite memory with the Bride-to-be. The Bride then has to guess who has written the memory. This gives guests a chance to learn a bit more about the bride and the guests at the bridal shower. This is the perfect accessory for any hen party. These make a lovely keepsake/memory too.
★ HEN PARTY BINGO ★ This great Bingo game will have your guests chatting and mingling within minutes. Each guest must mark off the square when they meet the person described in it. The first guest to get 5 in a row wins! This is a great starter game to a Hen Party to get the guests talking and finding out a little more about each other.
★ WORD SCRAMBLE ★This game has 13 scrambled words which your guests must unscramble to make 13 "Wedding" related words. The first one to complete it wins! (Answer sheet included)
★ WOULD SHE RATHER ★This great Would She Rather game is a great opportunity to see who knows the bride best. Whether it's Tea or Coffee or Shopping or Hiking, what would she rather do? The guest with the most answers correct matching answers with the Bride-to-be wins.
★ WHATS IN YOUR BAG ★ This funny What's in your Bag game is a great game to play on a hen night. Set in three sections with points ranging from 1-3 depending on how unusual and funny they are. It can be great fun seeing what people carry in their bags. Check what's in your bag, give yourself points for any on the list. Once complete, add up the points and the person with the most points wins!
★ WHO KNOWS THE BRIDE BEST ★ This great Who Knows the Bride Best game is a great opportunity to see who knows the most about the Bride. With questions such as her favourite colour to the first boy she kissed, each guest must guess the answer. The most matching answers with the Bride wins.
★ SCAVENGER HUNT ★ This fabulous Scavenger Hunt Game will have your guests in stitches hunting and doing tasks for items on the list in this game. This really encourages everyone to join in and have fun hunting and doing tasks such as getting a free drink to kissing a bald man's head! Points are awarded depending on how easy or hard the task is. The guest with most points wins!